Wednesday 28 March 2012

Little catch up!

Hi everyone!

I just thought I'd fill you in on what's been happening with me!
I attended to the first group meeting for the magazine I recently got a job with. The team met all met each other for the first time, and honestly, everybody seems really, really lovely. We had a presentation and chatted about where we go from here and put a few ideas on the table. I'm really excited to start working properly. We've decided to have another meeting next week. In the mean time, we were all assigned an email address and told the roles that we have been given. I was given the role of 'blogger'. At first I was a bit apprehensive, because even though I write this, I can't say I'm overly confident in my own writing abilities. After thinking about it for a while, I am really excited about it. I'll get the chance to write and edit, which is what I think I want to do in the future, so it's the best of both worlds. Plus there's a lot of freedom within the team, so we'll all be able to switch up our jobs a bit. The whole project is ridiculously exciting.

I also started my work experience placement at a local paper on Tuesday. I'll be there every Tuesday and Wednesday for the next 3 weeks. Yesterday I was given a few small articles to write and re-word; I also went on a walk around the town with a journalist, talking to solicitors about the local county court closing. It was surprisingly interesting.
Today I was given an email to turn into an article. It was about rugby league, which isn't exactly my forte, but it turned out okay I think! I also watched how Ryan created the back page of the paper (using Quark XPress, which completely boggled my mind, as that's easier than Photoshop). It was really fun to watch, I couldn't recall anything he told me though.
In the past two days I've written 9 pieces. I'll see on Friday if any make into the actual paper!

For the next four days I'm working at Ikea, back to the day job. I wish I could be playing about in the sun though. I'm going into Leeds on Monday (my only day off, sob), so hopefully the weather will stick around for a bit.

I've also started reading Wicked (for the third time) and have bought the Game of Thrones novel to get stuck into. At least until I have to start my essays.

How are your weeks going?

Thanks for reading x

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